2012年5月16日 星期三

computer lesson


database ,photo shop , create own logo,Blog

computer skills is useful to my work!

I can write somethink i like!

Ican share my feeling with my friends such as some songs,movies,my life or anythings!

Also, my friends can write some comments in my blog when they read my article! it is a good way to keep our friendship!




1.內在安全感   擁有內在安全感的幼教老師才能夠避免用權威專制的方式來管教幼兒。並懂得在適當的時機鼓勵幼兒。這樣小朋友也會常來與老師分享。

2.自我覺知的能力   當幼教老師們可以發展深入的自我覺知能力之後,才能夠做客觀的自我評鑑,並較能掌握教學的品質。

3.對於幼兒觀點的理論架構   好的幼教老師應具有對於幼兒發展的整體看法。

 4.尊重與關懷幼兒   好的幼教老師能夠尊重幼兒為獨特的個體,並且對他們表達適當的關懷。

5.信任幼兒   好的幼教老師的其中一個就是能夠信任幼兒,相信他們能夠找出自己的方式來發展與成長,並且能夠瞭解幼兒的潛力與極限,以規劃適合他們的學習環境。

 6.無條件的關愛   一個好的幼教老師瞭解在學齡前的階段,幼兒是非常需要關懷與注意的,因此,我們要多傾聽小朋友的想法,並且支持幼兒的學習與成長。

 7.直覺力、觀察力   發展直覺能力,而不是死板的思考能力對於幼教老師來說是重要,而此種直覺能力又與想像力和創造力直接相關。 也要多觀察幼兒的變化,還有一些與其他幼兒的互動。

8.抽離能力   要具備一位客觀的老師,應該抽離自己的情緒,不應該讓自己的情緒反應在小朋友身上。

9.歡笑   幼教老師應該要有十足的幽默感與具感染力。會逗小朋幼歡笑的老師,通常會讓小朋友印象深刻,而且小朋友回家可以跟家人分享。

10.幼兒的典範   幼教老師通常是小朋友模仿與學習的對象,老師的人格特質,例如:友善、高尚的人格與生活中的興趣都會影嚮幼兒。

Childcare Worker

Childcare is a huge area of work that only continues to grow as more and more women leave the home to pursue careers rather than stay home. Probably more often than not, more people ask the question of how could I get into the career of a childcare worker rather than wonder what they do. Regardless, I think its important to cover that, just in case anyone is not familiar with this line of work. People who work in this profession take care of children when their family members and parents are unable to. They handle the basic needs of the child like feeding, bathing and they might also be required to help them prepare for school or help with homework.
Normally this job environment takes place in childcare centers or sometimes at the home of the child. And it can be full time but it’s more usual to find that childcare workers have part-time work and the hours are usually set. What does a childcare worker do exactly? The list of things a childcare worker might do depends much on the age of the child but depending on the needs or place of employment, it can range.

A childcare worker will normally be there to monitor and supervise the child and make sure that they don’t do anything that could be dangerous. They normally might have to organize mealtimes make sure that the child is eating, assist if necessary and also be required to prepare meals too. They are also required to help the child to keep up with good hygiene this include changing diapers of toddlers and infants, Helping them bath, making sure they brush their teeth and change into clean clothing when needed. They also need to organize activates for the child to keep them entertained as well as learning about the world. It is also important to develop a schedule to organize the child’s play time and also make sure they get proper rest and care.

Keeping a record of what the child likes to do and the child’s progress as well as any other developmental problems in the child so you can bring it to the attention of their parents is also a really important task that you are assigned. Childcare workers have a salary range that varies depending on experience and employment location. It’s not uncommon to be paid an hourly rate of $20 and up, but one thing that seems to be a common path for most childcare workers is that they must work numerous part time jobs to fill a week. If you don’t mind working numerous jobs, this might be a good choice, especially since the pay is great. Examples of childcare workers: Childcare center workers normally will work in a team and usually include early head start programs to help children. They are often required to work alongside of preschool teachers to help the children by teaching them though a structured curriculum. They also help by scheduling daily and long term activities to help the child learn while in their care. They also help by monitoring the child’s progress. For more information check information on preschool teachers’ and teachers’ assistant’s. Family childcare providers: They care for the child in the child’s home during normal working hours. They make sure that the home and all the staff they employ meets the same regulations as a family childcare center. Once the children go home they have other responsibilities like shopping for supplies or food, keeping records, cleaning, and doing accounting. But they normally also have to spend some of their time marketing themselves and their services to other families who might be interested. Nannies: They work in the home of a child and usually have many more tasks to complete like shopping for supplies or food, cleaning, keeping good records, and doing accounting they also must spend time marketing themselves and their services to other families that could employ them. Babysitters: They are similar to nannies and work in homes of their children but they also work for many families instead of only one. They normally don’t work full time but take care of children on occasional weekends or nights when parents are busy with other obligations.

Preparing a Sample Lesson Plan

One of the most important components when it comes to teaching is a lesson plan. A teacher can fell a lot more comfortable and equipped to teach students when she has a plan. A sample lesson plan gives you a basic structure to follow and can help you remember what important steps you will need to include in the lessons you are preparing and writing them down efficiently.

It becomes a lot easier as you write more. To make a good sample lesson plan you will have to identify your specific goals. Keep in mind the particular topic you are planning to teach and decide on how to do it. You will need to jot down the ideas you would like your students to comprehend, the skills they must be capable of doing, and the details they have to know. All of these will serve as your guide for what you are planning. You may also want to include some important questions that your students could answer during the lesson. Make a list of materials needed to teach a lesson. It should be easy for someone else to take your sample lesson plan and be able to know what they will need and how to teach the lesson completely. An introduction of the lesson that can arouse interest from the students can help to make teaching a lot more relevant. From here, instruction must be delivered based on the material being covered. This could be through a simple explanation or a demonstration if necessary. The students must be given time to be able to practice whatever material has been given. Guided practice may be included to help students, as well as independent practice for them to do themselves. The sample lesson plan should include an assessment for each lesson. This is important to ensure that the students have understood what has been taught and have been able to achieve the goals that you set. Without it, there will be no way of knowing if a lesson was effective.